Grade Calculator

Select Grade Calculator Type:
Grade (letter) Grade (%) Weight (%)
Find additional grade needed to get average grade of

Final Grade Calculator


Guide to Using Our Grade Calculator Tool

This guide will help you understand how to use the Grade Calculator to calculate your average grade and determine the additional grade needed to achieve a desired average.

Selecting the Grade Calculator Type

To get started, choose the type of grade calculator you want to use. You can choose between Percentages, Letters, or Points. Click on the appropriate button to make your selection. The default selection is Percentage.

Entering Your Grades

Enter your grades and their corresponding weights in the table provided. You can fill in the following fields:

Adding Rows

If you need more rows to enter additional assignments, click the "+ Add row" button at the bottom of the table.

Calculating Your Average Grade

Once you have entered all your grades and their weights, click the "= Calculate" button. The calculator will display your average grade in both percentage and letter formats.

Finding the Additional Grade Needed

To find the additional grade needed to achieve a specific average grade, enter the desired average grade as a percentage in the "Find additional grade needed to get an average grade of" field.

Click the "= Calculate" button again. The calculator will display the additional grade needed in both percentage and letter formats.

Selecting Decimal Places for Results

You can choose the number of decimal places to display for your results. Select 0, 1, or 2 decimal places by clicking on the appropriate button. The default selection is 2 decimal places.

Resetting the Calculator

To clear all the entered data and start over, click the "× Reset" button.


A grade calculator is a tool that helps students and teachers keep track of their progress and understand their academic performance. It allows for the input of different assignments or exams and accounts for different grading scales. Not to be confused with a final grade calculator, which is much less dynamic, the grade calculator allows you to look at grading in a much more detailed way.

Using Grade Calculators as a Student

As a student, it is important to keep track of your grades and progress. By using a grade calculator, you can easily cross-check your grades and recognize areas that you need to focus on improving. It also helps you understand how grades may impact your overall academic performance.

Keeping Track of Your Grades

To keep track of your grades, divide your notebook into categories based on the provided outline and record the date of each assignment you receive. At the end of the semester, use the calculator to cross-check your grade with your teacher's calculation for accuracy.

Improving Your Scores

Use the grade calculator as a simulator to see where your final grade could wind up based off of various performance possibilities. Input all of your current grades and then modify the test portions to reflect a near-perfect test grade, an average one, or a failing one. Or, use the final grade calculator to see the minimum score you need to mark for your ideal final grade.

Using Grade Calculators as a Teacher

Using a grading calculator ensures that your calculations are accurate each time and that all students are receiving the honest grade that they earned based on their performance. It also significantly cuts down the amount of time you take to make the same calculations manually.

Additional Motivation

You can use the final grade calculator feature as additional motivation while coaching students through additional tutoring. Walk them through the grading calculator side by side and show them the possibilities. It is also an excellent way to show how grades are fairly calculated and for them to understand how the weighted system works if they are unfamiliar with the concept.

The Weighted Grading System

Education industry leaders stress the importance of weighting assignments differently. With a weighted grading system, students who are not good test takers or don’t have the time to do homework the way the class calls for, the opportunity to earn a respectable grade in the class. It is considered a fair and honest way to grade across the board.

Weighted Grade Calculation

This calculation takes into account the grade received on each assignment or exam and the weight assigned to each assignment or exam. The following formula can be used to calculate the weighted grade:


The weighted grade is equal to the sum of the product of the weights (w) in percent (%) times the grade (g):

Weighted grade = w1 × g1 + w2 × g2 + w3 × g3 + ...

Example 1

Suppose a student has taken three courses with different names, grades, and weights:

  • A Physics course with a grade of 85 and weight of 25%.
  • An English course with a grade of 92 and weight of 50%.
  • A Music course with a grade of 77 and weight of 25%.

To calculate the weighted average grade, we first multiply the grade of each course by its weight:

Physics course: 0.25 × 85 = 21.25

English course: 0.5 × 92 = 46

Music course: 0.25 × 77 = 19.25

We then add up these products to get the sum of the weighted grades:

Weighted grade = 21.25 + 46 + 19.25 = 86.5

Finally, we divide the sum of the weighted grades by the sum of the weights:

Weighted average grade = 86.5 / (0.25 + 0.5 + 0.25) = 86.5 / 1 = 86.5

Therefore, the student's weighted average grade for these three courses is 86

Example 2

Suppose a student has taken three courses with different names, grades, and weights:

  • A Chemistry course with a grade of 78 and weight of 4 points.
  • An Economics course with a grade of 90 and weight of 7 points.
  • A Spanish course with a grade of 82 and weight of 9 points.

To calculate the weighted average grade, we first multiply the grade of each course by its weight:

Chemistry course: 4 × 78 = 312

Economics course: 7 × 90 = 630

Spanish course: 9 × 82 = 738

We then add up these products to get the sum of the weighted grades:

Weighted grade = 312 + 630 + 738 = 1680

Finally, we divide the sum of the weighted grades by the sum of the weights:

Weighted average grade = 1680 / (4 + 7 + 9) = 1680 / 20 = 84

Therefore, the student's weighted average grade for these three courses is 84

The Grade Calculator Feature

The grade calculator goes based on your goals instead of the numbers that are already all predetermined. Enter what you currently have and what you would ideally like to wind up with as a grade. The system will then factor in the lowest possible grade you’d need to achieve on the remaining assignments or test to wind up at your goal.

Grade calculators are a valuable tool for students and teachers alike. They help you keep track of your progress, understand your academic performance, and motivate you to achieve your goals. Using a grade calculator is easy and straightforward, making it a must-have tool for anyone looking to improve their grades or streamline their grading process.